Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Here is our legacy of womanhood. What great example we have and what great mother's we were blessed to be raised by. I credit all my strenght and goodness from our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers as they have taught their children well. I would like them to know how much we love them and appreciate the love and example they have set for us over the years. We will try not to disappoint you as we go on a head and lead with the example you have set.
Kyson and his mom on Mother's Day. What a sweet Lady. Kyson learned so much from her on how to love people and love his wife.
Me and my mom what a wonderful example she is to me. I thank Heavenly Father every day for sending me to a mother who loves me. I hope I can be the type of mother she is. She is a great example of mother!

Me and Grandma Hatch on Mother's Day! What an amazing woman! I hope that I will someday be as good as a person as she is!

1 comment:

Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott said...

i love this post, it brought tears to my eyes to read all the sweet things you said about your mommas. You are going to be an amazing momma too!